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SmartFlow: Accelerate your patient journey

SmartFlow is a patient level dashboard of practice performance giving you unique insights. It is designed to help primary care providers increase their capacity and ease of patient access by creating efficiencies in the day to day running of the practice.

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Guaranteed ROI

SmartFlow is the proven way to increase the capacity of your practice or PCN and meet the new GP contract requirements; identifying and implementing measures to reduce the cost-per-encounter.

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Optimised and reduced GP workload

With SmartFlow, you can visualise all of your patients' journeys through your service and identify cases where you could be signposting them to non-GP allied health professionals. This reduces the burden on already stretched GPs.


Visualise complex cases

The SmartFlow dashboard shows you which patients are driving workload pressures – and why. A Complexity Score allows you insights into the needs and medical history of each patient, including weekly, monthly and annual interactions with the practice, long-term conditions and acute concerns.


Effective multi-disciplinary resourcing

SmartFlow calculates the best composition of your team based on patient demographics and historic appointment data.


Get on top of costs

SmartFlow provides you with key outcomes such as call waiting times, frequent attenders. The dashboard shows all practice activity and costs consisting of a summary and five detailed breakdowns covering Administrative Demand, Clinical Demand, Cost of Service, Access Improvement and Patient Experience.

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Get in Touch

If you would like to book a demo of SmartLife click here

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