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Introducing SmartSearches for Childhood Immunisations

We’re delighted to announce that SmartSearches for childhood immunisations is now available to help meet your 8-month, 18-month and 5-year QOF targets.

It’s already helped one practice improve its uptake and take a step towards meeting this year’s goals.

One busy practice in North West London realised they were falling behind on ensuring children were getting timely vaccinations and decided to run a dedicated clinic, alongside diabetes checks for our QOF and enhanced services and cervical smears.

Using SmartSearches they were able to contact parents with children aged 0-5 to book an appointment at the clinic one Saturday morning, concentrating on those children approaching the three cut off ages.

“Using SmartSearches meant we could hold a clinic which focused on those who needed their immunisations soon and our team of a GP, practice nurse and health care assistant could hold a special clinic and see plenty of patients at a time which was convenient to them. By using the dashboard which showed which children were the most time-critical we could ensure clinical time was used most effectively.

At the same time, we could run clinics for our diabetes patients and women’s health by using SmartSearches to identify patients who needed blood tests, blood pressure checks and cervical smear testing.”

By using SmartSearches the practice was able to immunise an additional ten young children, see 22 diabetes patients and carry out 13 potentially life-saving smear tests.


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