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Cardio-Metabolic-Renal health conditions: getting ahead of the curve

Patients with diabetes often face complex health challenges, including cardio-renal complications. These can lead to secondary health events, significantly impacting patient health and well-being. A large body of evidence from epidemiological and clinical research supports the existence of a strong link between these conditions and research into the interplay between the conditions is growing.

CMR diseases describe a set of conditions which are likely to have a causal link, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, chronic kidney disease and heart failure. These disorders are linked to central obesity, systemic inflammation and insulin resistance.

Epidemiological studies have consistently demonstrated that cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic diseases often overlap and coexist in the same patients. This is where SmartLife Health believe that we can help both patients and clinicians, particularly those working in different NHS organisations, can help.

The International Diabetes Federation estimates that there are currently more than 500 million people across the world living with diabetes the vast majority of whom suffer from type 2 diabetes (T2D) There are about 64 million people diagnosed with heart failure (HF) and almost 700 million individuals affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). These three conditions are major health problems of the 21st century.

Obesity is increasing in the UK and its implications in health and social care are significant. Rather than wait for the problem to grow, we are looking at identification and treatment processes now.

SmartLife Health believes it is important to move away from treating the conditions in isolation and look at cardio-metabolic-renal health as a whole, treating the patient holistically and helping to improve efficiency in the NHS with multidisciplinary teams who are able to work together and share a patient's information and treatment plans instead of creating silos.

That is why SmartLife Health has set up a pilot scheme which aims to bridge the gap between primary and secondary care for diabetic patients, focusing on the prevention of secondary cardio-renal events.

This includes:

The identification of patients who are on the disease register for Type 2 diabetes and those who should be reassessed based on previous test results or symptoms, with a focus on early detection to prevent exacerbations

A comprehensive assessment of patients wider than the scope of diabetes, looking at the possibility of heart failure, cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease

Integrated treatment plans with a multidisciplinary team specialising in metabolic diseases, CVD, and renal diseases.

Medication management incorporating the whole MDT, treating the conditions together

Lifestyle modifications

There is a statistically significant cross-over between patients with Type 2 diabetes (and other metabolic conditions) and those with cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure, and kidney disease. Rather than treat one in isolation, we believe a better result can be achieved by testing for the other conditions and treating them accordingly.


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